How much does Salon Recycling with Green Salon Collective cost?

By charging a small, optional, £1 Green Fee, you will more than cover your costs (many of our salons make a profit, and only 50% of your clients would have to pay the sustainable fee to be cost-neutral) as well as attracting new clients and standing out in your area.

Estimate how much recycling your salon waste might cost you, or earn your business

Using our Green Fee system, you can estimate the number of clients you think would pay the optional Green Fee and understand how much a GSC box might cost, or more likely, how much revenue recycling might generate your business.

Want to try recycling for FREE?

Want to learn more about our new offer where you can try GSC for 30 days and pay NOTHING upfront? Book a call with the team below to see if we can even help you.

Let's get recycling

To join us in our mission to recycle salon waste (like hair and metals), you can buy a starter kit from the shop (from £99), as a one time only purchase. Once you have a starter kit, you purchase salon recycling return boxes from us via a pay-as-you-go system. 

You fill your boxes with your specialist salon waste like bags of hair, foil, colour tubes and product cans, and when the box is full, we take it away. Our returns boxes hold approximately 350 clients worth of waste, cost £175 and are the biggest recycling boxes available on the market.

Our salon recycling system is 100% pay-as-you-go and is funded by your clients paying a discretionary £1-2 green fee on each visit.

We have no hidden fees, no contracts or direct debits. 

Most of our members profit from our specialist salon waste disposal system, and are cost-neutral at worst. 

Everything you need to know about

Green Fees

What are Green Fees?

For our system to become cost-neutral our member salons charge their clients a £1 to £2 (or euro) Green Fee on every visit.  Some of our members call it an eco fee or a sustainable fee. Either way, this extra charge covers all future costs of being a member with us and taking part in our salon recycling program. 

Once you pay for a starter kit, we offer a  'pay as you go' service.  At any point you can start collecting Green Fees and then use this new revenue to purchase GSC Return Boxes for the collection of your accumulated salon waste, as and when needed.

Are there any discounts available?

Open to salons, barbershops and freelancers, our Green Salon Collective loyalty programme is all about helping you and your business to run even more sustainably than you already do.

Being a member and charging a green fee means that you should already be in profit or at least cost-neutral. 

Now you can earn even more with 20% off full price returns boxes! You can sign up here.

Software Integration

We work with most salon software programs. This means we can set up your system so a Green Fee is added to every invoice. This extra revenue does not get added to stylists totals either. It will be accounted for separately on your 'profit and loss' so you can clearly see how much Green Fees you have accumulated versus how much you have spent with us. 

How will my clients react to a Green Fee?

Whilst most of our salons have no problem with their clients reacting to Green Fees, if you're unsure, just ask your clients! Either do an Instagram poll or speak to your regulars about how they'd feel knowing that you'd be recycling their hair and metals, and if they'd be happy to pay a small contribution towards it. Our member salons, on average, picked up 3 new clients in the first 3 months just because they are on our Member Locator.  

Do Green Fees actually work?

Short answer: YES!

In fact, the feedback has been that the vast majority of salon and freelancer clients have zero issue with the Green Fee because they want to support more sustainable ethical businesses.  

Our member salons, on average, picked up 3 new clients in the first 3 months just because they are on our Member Locator.  

Don't just listen to us, hear it from a salon owner...

  • Syd - Q Cut

    Should I charge a Green Fee? With Green Libertine and owner of Q Cut Salon. Hear how Green Salon Collective has made a positive change in his business.

    Watch here 
  • Lorraine - OB1

    Hear Lorraine from OB-1 Salon talking about the simple steps salons can take to become more sustainable, and how the Green Fee is not only happily paid by existing clients, but is bringing new clients.  

    Watch here 
  • Nicole - Salon of Chi

    Here's Nicole, from Salon of Chi, discussing how she charges a Green Fee, and how she used the 1.5k profit generated from Green Fees for good. 

    Watch here 
  • Oz - Scissors of Oz

    Here's Oz, from Scissors of Oz talking about her experience with charging a £3 green fee, with her clients knowing and supporting their sustainable endeavors. 

    Watch here 
  • Amélie - Amélie Styles 

    Here's Amélie, from Amélie Styles talking about her experience as a freelancer and GSC member and how her clients are happy to pay a £2 green fee to support a good cause. 

    Watch here 
  • Janneth - Trends

    Here's Janneth, from Trends talking about her experience with the Green Fee.

    Watch here 
  • Claire - Nylon

    Here's Claire, a Green Libertine and owner of Nylon, talking about how her salon communicates charging a Green Fee, and what their experience has been. 

    Watch here 
  • Carol - Kudos

    Here's Carol, from Kudos, sharing her experience with Green Fees and her clients' response.  

    Watch here 
  • Chris & Tenna - The Hairy Chair

    Here's Chris and Tenna, from The Hairy Chair about how their clients have been happy to pay a £1 green fee, and that they've even found new clientele through being a GSC member. 

    Watch here 
  • Olivia - Barnes & Bray

    We sat down with Olivia Barnes, Owner of Barnes & Bray, GEDDES Forest Hill and GEDDES Ladywell talking about how the green fee has worked for them.

    Watch here 
  • Keith - Anne Veck

    Hear Anne Veck Limited's Keith Mellen talking about their experiences of charging their clients a Green Fee, and how excited clients have been to learn more about what the extra £1 means for the future of salon waste and the environment.

    Watch here 
  • Jo - Guilded Hair

    Here's  Jo from Gilded Hair chatting about what charging a green fee has been like at their salon. 

    Watch here 
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