We believe knowledge is an incredibly important tool for addressing environmental and social issues.
Education is a huge part of what we do at Green Salon Collective.
We help to empower our members, as well as the wider industry, with up-to-date and verifiable information related to all things sustainability so that we all can make better informed decisions as we continue to run and grow our businesses.

Want to learn more about how you can reduce waste in your business? Interested to know what we do with salon hair waste...and why? Curious about some of our brand partners and what makes them more sustainable than others? We have you covered!
We collaborate with Stephanie Hodgson, our Head of Research and Development, Raechel Kelly from The Liminality, and other trusted voices in sustainability to bring you content that matters to you and your business.
It's all here and available to absolutely everyone, free of charge!
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We regularly host educational and networking events so that our fast growing community of hairdressers, barbers and other professionals in the hair and beauty industry can come together to learn more about what we can all do to live and work more sustainably.
We collaborate with our partner brands as well as with our incredible community of members to bring unique, inspiring and certainly educational events both online and in-person.